Annual Campaign to be Mailed Fall 2023
The Granby Community Fund is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization, consisting of an all-volunteer Board of Directors, that has been coordinating an annual community campaign since 1960.
The mission of the Granby Community Fund is to coordinate a town-wide fundraising effort, for the various community organizations which serve the residents of Granby, into a single annual campaign.
This means a minimum of fundraising intrusions into your busy life, while affording you the opportunity of supporting many charitable organizations, with just one tax deductible donation.
Low campaign costs allow us to distribute 95% of your donation directly to local organizations.
Click to make a secure Pay Pal donation.
Your contribution to the Granby Community Fund is greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Granby Community Fund


Granby Community Fund
Member Organizations
Granby Girl Scouts

Provide programs, services, or supports to the residents of Granby, North Granby & West Granby and must be a 501(C)3 organization.

Flo Bischoff, Kathy Norris (CBG, The Drummer), Ginny Brezza (American Red Cross, Secretary), Madeline Christensen (Marquis of Granby, Assistant Treasurer), Vickie Dirienzo (Meals on Wheels, Vice President), Jennifer Ehmann, Luisa Alvarez (Parents for a Safe Graduation), Cristina Marsh (Farmington Valley YMCA), Karen Newman (DaL), Karen O'Neil (DaL,Treasurer), Patty Sansone (Granby Social Services, Granby Senior Van, President), Donna Snyder (Friends of Holcomb Farm), Bruce Sullivan (Waste Not Want Not Community Kitchen), Karen Viets (DaL), Debbie White (Salvation Army) All board members volunteer their time to the Granby Community Fund. Some represent member agencies, while others are residents of Granby known as "Directors at Large."

Please feel free to contact us via e-mail and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!
Donations can be mailed to:
Granby Community Fund
PO Box 94
Granby, CT 06035